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Game 6: Fischer vs Spassky - 1972 World Chess Championship

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ابلاغ Report

Game 6 between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky from the 1972 World Chess Championship (Match of the Century) was the greatest one of the entire battle. It includes a rare beginning of the game by Fischer with 1.c4, a masterful game best described by International Master Anthony Saidy as "It was like a symphony of placid beauty.", and has attributed to it a wonderful act of sportsmanship by Boris Spassky who, after the game, stood up and applauded Fischer for the masterpiece he just played. Game 6 propelled Fischer into the match lead, one that Spassky would never overcome. The match was held in Reykjavik, Iceland.

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Translated in Portuguese (Brazil) by: Leonardo Louro Justino

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