مشاركة فيديوهات ومقالات بالعربية

أحمد الطيبي _ الصراع الإسرائيلي-الفلسطيني، الجزء 7

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ابلاغ Report

Dr. Ahmad Tibi is a member of the Arab Movement for Change and was
first elected to the Israeli Knesset in 1999. He currently serves as
Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and head of the parliamentary committee
of inquiry, which seeks to accommodate Palestinians through integration
into jobs in the public sector. He has played a key role in the
politics of the Palestinian-Israeli community, which constitutes
approximately one fifth of Israel's population. He has also played a
key role in relations between Palestinian-Israelis and Palestinians in
the occupied territories and Dr. Tibi believes in the two-state
solution and is recognized as a strong voice urging the coexistence of
Jews and Arabs on the basis of equal political and civil rights. Dr.
Tibi was born in Taybe, an Arab city in Israel, and studied medicine at
the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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