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رومل نوفي - قالوا عنه انه ذهب الى امريكا ليصبح راقص - واصبح باحث علمي مرموق

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ابلاغ Report

رومل نوفي - قالوا عنه انه ذهب الى امريكا ليصبح راقص - واصبح باحث علمي مرموق

أقرأ عن  أبن الناصرة العالم والباحث العالمي رومل نوفي خريج المدرسة المعمدانية وارفع رأسك، ابن مدينتك
أفتح الموقع وأقرا عن هذه الشخصية وانجازاتها العلمية


Rommel Noufi

Principal Scientist and Group manager

National Center for Photovoltaics, NREL

Leadership and Initiative

Globally respected scientist with international reputation for excellence.

For 30 years at SERI/NREL, I led a large group of scientists, engineers, and

technicians by providing strategic technical vision and direction to the evolving

needs of NREL/DOE PV programs as well as those of industry.

Initiated the interest of industry to partner with NREL in technology transfer.

Leave of Absence from NREL for 15 months to serve as VP of

Research with a Silicon Valley start-up company – Solopower, Inc.- a

CIGSPV company.

Managed inter-organizational partnerships/collaborations that included National

laboratories, universities, and industry, for the National PV Program (TFPP), and

an international focus group to advise the National Programs on “accelerated

pathways to manufacturing of thin film PV”.

Participated with DOE and the PV industry to guide strategic goals for the

National PV Program.

Consulting Professor in the material science and engineering department,

Stanford University. On site collaboration and advisor with faculty and students


ابلاغ Report

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